
Upgrade Thunderbird?

in flag

I'm having a new problem sending some emails with pdf attachments in Thunderbird. I get a message saying there's an esmtp protocol deviation and the email doesn't go.

I see that I have Thunderbird v 78, but that there's a v 91 available from Thunderbird itself.

Maybe the new version would solve my problem.

Should I upgrade to v 91 now in hopes that it will solve my problem, rather than wait for Ubuntu to do it?

uz flag
I have Thunderbird 78 and it sends out pdfs just fine. Do you get an error message that is listed [here](
Stumblng Tumblr avatar
in flag
Yes. When I turned on logging and tried to send an attachment that wouldn't go earlier, it still wouldn't go and the code I got was 421.
uz flag
421 suggests that this specific mailbox was not enabled. Does it matter which email address you send it to?
Stumblng Tumblr avatar
in flag
Sorry for the delay in replying. It doesn't matter to which email address I try to send.
cn flag

You could install the newer Thunderbird as a snap. Version 91.1.1 is in the latest/candidate channel. Such installation can co-exist with your current version.

It can be doubted whether the problem sending a PDF attachment is due to Thunderbird, and to that specific version, however. It is not expected that upgrading will solve that issue.


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