
Command to return package version or empty string

us flag

I'm looking for a simple command that prints the package version, only if the package is installed.

If the package is not installed (or is not a valid package), I want the output to be an empty string.

This is what I've come up with so far. Unfortunately, it only works in cases when the package exists.

dpkg-query --showformat="\${Version}" --show ubuntu-desktop 

However, when the package does not exist, the output is an error message. I would like the output to be blank or empty in this case.

dpkg-query --showformat="\${Version}" --show ubuntu-desktopX
dpkg-query: no packages found matching ubuntu-desktopX

How can I achieve this?


Can we achieve this without using redirection (i.e. 2>/dev/null)?


A true/false result would be fine as well, since I can always get the package version using the above, if the result is true.

hr flag
The *output* probably *is* empty; the message `dpkg-query: no packages found matching ubuntu-desktopX` goes to the error stream `stderr`
us flag
Indeed, you are right. Thanks for pointing that out. Nevertheless, let me add the restriction that I do not want to redirect stderr to `/dev/null`. Curious if someone can come up with something.
WinEunuuchs2Unix avatar
in flag
At the end of the day aren't you seeking for True/False rather than Something/Nothing?
us flag
Now that you bring it up, true false would work. (I can always get the package version if the result is true).

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