
Unable to update ubuntu 20.04 on EC2 owing to timeout

eg flag

I've got what could either be a problem with an EC2 instance or with ubuntu 20.04.

When I run sudo apt-get update I eventually get:

Failed to fetch http://eu-west-  Could not connect to eu- (, connection timed out Could not 
connect to (, connection timed out

The attached security group allows http/s traffic. Does anyone have an idea of what's going wrong?

Adding outbound rules

enter image description here

David avatar
cn flag
Very clear message the access to this is timing out. Try another mirror.
Prince Kumar Barnwal avatar
sy flag
Check once outbound traffic too or try to download anything using wget if it works than there might be issue with the mirrors.
eg flag
@David before outputting this message it cycles through different mirrors, I wasn't mindful of this when I posted. I guess that points to a networking issue.
eg flag
@PrinceKumarBarnwal ah that's very helpful, yeah I can't download so much as jquery without a time out, so I must need to change my security group in some way.
Prince Kumar Barnwal avatar
sy flag
@goose Please check outbound security group once.
eg flag
@PrinceKumarBarnwal - sure thing. I've added a picture showing the attached outbound rules.
Prince Kumar Barnwal avatar
sy flag
@goose where you have added the picture ?
eg flag
@PrinceKumarBarnwal to the bottom of the question. It doesn’t stand out very well as it’s white on white.

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