
Suddenly can't access samba share from windows 10 file explorer after it was previously working Ubuntu Sever 20.4

gf flag

I got ubuntu server up and running perfectly, everything is working exactly as intended. I was doing a file transfer to move all the things I wanted to back up, the exchange finished and a few hours later I noticed I could no longer connect to my Samba share folder from my computer anymore

I have literally changed nothing and I'm not sure what to do steps I've taken to solve the issue that haven't worked:

restarted Windows client twice

quit my SSH session on Windows Client connected to Ubuntu Server

restarted Ubuntu Server twice

confirmed I typed in the IP address correctly

example address format I was using to connect //

checked samba config file to make sure nothing was altered, nothing was

someone said to add this line to the config file did not work

server min protocol = NT1

I'm new to manager servers and working over Samba

David avatar
cn flag
Glad you fixed it but there is no Ubuntu version 20.4
gf flag


use double \ instead of double /

I'm an idiot I know feel free to laugh at me, got too used to using Linux

Austin avatar
gf flag
I missed a 0 thank you for notifying me

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