
What command will launch lubuntu-desktop 20.04?

ng flag

With either vncserver or Xorg already launched by a logged in user, without sddm, what command will launch the lubuntu 20.04 desktop?

Example for kubuntu-desktop: startkde or startplasma-x11

Example for xubuntu-desktop: startxfce4 or xfce4-session

What is it for lubuntu-desktop 20.04?

cocomac avatar
cn flag
I can't test this right now, but `startx` might work
guiverc avatar
cn flag Note: you've got a typo on `startxfce4`
cn flag


From man startlxqt

   startlxqt  is  a shell script meant to initialize and launch LXQt sessions.  It is as such
   similar to counterparts of other desktop environments like startlxde in LXDE  or  startkde
   in KDE.

   It's main tasks are exporting environment variables, partly after performing corresponding
   checks, and launching lxqt-session, the LXQt session manager.

   It is not meant to be run by users.  Rather, it is invoked as backend,  e.  g.  by  script
   startx on virtual terminals or display managers like SDDM or LightDM, see section EXAMPLE.

Note: I QA-test & use Lubuntu/LXQt only locally, so I've not tested this via VPN/vnc/remotely. This is the LXQt equivalent command to your listed examples in the question.

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Maybe installing whole Lubuntu task package would be more useful - `sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop^` and then use its built-in functionality.

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