
ntfs-3g with uid/gid options and with permissions option

cn flag

For my dual-boot w10 / ubuntu set up, i want these things :

  1. my ubuntu user to own my my data partition (called MYStuff)
  2. my ubuntu home dir to be on my data partition
  3. to be able ssh from ubuntu
  4. not have any ntfs-3g settings change anything on the windows side

When i have this in /etc/fstab/ :

  LABEL=MYStuff /mnt/MYStuff ntfs-3g  defaults,permissions 0 0
  /mnt/MYStuff/home/me/  /home/me   none    bind

i can create my ~/.ssh with the correct permissions, but my data - MYStuff - is owned by root.

When i have this in /etc/fstab/ :

  LABEL=MYStuff /mnt/MYStuff ntfs-3g  uid=1000,gid=1000,permissions 0 0
  /mnt/MYStuff/home/me/  /home/me   none    bind

my MYStuff data - is owned by my me (uid=1000), but it looks like the 'permissions' option is ignored, and so i can not create my ~/.ssh with the correct permissions to be able to use ssh.

Is this documented? What is the best way to set this up?

cn flag
"my ubuntu home dir to be on my data partition" /home HAS TO BE on ext4. Can't be NTFS.. You can put the user dirs in /home/$USER/ on NTFS though.
waltinator avatar
it flag
`NTFS` doesn't have the same owner/group/other permissions structure, links, and other filesystem features required by Linux.
cn flag
@Rinzwind, thanks for your response. The 2nd line of the /etc/fstab is "/mnt/MYStuff/home/me/ /home/me none bind", and so is "/home/$USER/", right?
cn flag
@waltinator, thanks for your response. Yes, the differences are spelled out in the ntfs-3g docs. What I could not find is documentation of the apparent incompatibility of the uid/gid option with the permissions option. Any ideas are appreciated, thanks

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