
rdiff-backup tempdir appears to be empty

in flag

I recently had a problem with restoring an incremental snapshot using rdiff-backup where my main drive ran out of space. After setting --tempdir as discussed here, the problem went away and while restoring I can see bytes diminishing with df -h on the specified path's device.

Oddly, the actual path I set appears to be completely empty. Neither ls nor du indicates that there is anything at all occupying the path in question.

Is anyone here familiar enough with the inner workings of rdiff-backup to shed some light on where the temp files are actually being written? And how is it that they seem to be invisible?

simon avatar
cn flag
`--tempdir` appears to be straight-up ignored for me (`rdiff-backup` v2.0.5); no tempfiles are created and `rdiff-backup` instead fills RAM and swap and then dies when they're exhausted :(

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