
Ubuntu LTS, BRAVE browser, Google account, Not sure if it's a security issue

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I’m using always updated UBUNTU 20.04 LTS I’m using BRAVE downloaded from UBUNTU software center “snap”

Description of the issue: Was browsing with BRAVE. I logged into my google account on youtube. I happened to click on “Nautilus” and found the following: my google drive for that email, was mounted as a drive. in it, someone downloaded a file, named kiki, into location: /run/user/1000/gvfs/,user=yodagoba

content of the file is: Look at this… :eyes: 4

I looked at my Ubuntu settings online-accounts and found that my yodagoba gmail account was added. I did not do it myself. I've never added online accounts. how did someone, something, was able to download a file to my computer??? via: google drive, via BRAVE, via Ubuntu. I’m not sure if Brave, Google or Ubuntu contributed to this suspicious behavior. it may not be a hack, but it can be used as an open door to an Ubuntu account. I have never encountered that issue using firefox. or on another Debian computer with Brave, since I use the version downloaded from, not from Ubuntu-Software-Center. I also filed this question on the BRAVE support website.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
See if you can reproduce the behavior in a LiveUSB's "Try Ubuntu" environment: Install the Brave Snap, call up assorted online accounts, and see if the information gets passed to Gnome Online Accounts. If a bug cannot be reliably duplicated using a simple recipe, the bug probably cannot be properly triaged nor fixed. Assuming, of course, that your recollection ("*I did not do it myself*") is accurate.
pLumo avatar
in flag
I somehow hesitate to click on a link where someone says *"content of the file is: Look at this…"*. Could you please describe the file ? :-) However, I strongly doubt that your google-drive got mounted by brave(?). Also, this file has not been downloaded to your Ubuntu unless you open the it, it is still only a mounted location.
yoda goba avatar
cn flag
@user535733, work computers are UBUNTU-LTS, firefox. never added online accounts to gnome>settings>online-accounts. was testing out Brave on 3 computers. this one has Brave downloaded as snap. 1st time logged into google account via Brave. then I saw gmail mounted drive in Nautilus, looked at gnome-settings, found gmail account added (did NOT add it myself) red flag right there. did not open that 'kiki' file on my computer. I use a throwaway chromebook. url went to pinterest site with drawings. re-suggestion of launching liveUSB etc. it did happen again. also reported to Brave support.

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