
What does Drop root mean in Linux

cn flag

I am fairly new to working on Linux/Ubuntu and I came across the statement Application need to start with root privilege, then drop the root

I am wondering what does the above statement mean?

Also when I executed the application binary, I could see the following statements being printed on the console

Warning: group= user1 not found in /etc/group file
Warning: UID 1041 not known in the system. Test may fail.
drop root to uid [1041] complete

Could someone please help me understand this? Thanks

FedKad avatar
cn flag
In this context "drop" means "change to user".
ng flag

It simply means that you should start the application using root privileges and then afterwards, don't use root privileges for any other commands.

If you are using sudo to launch the application, you can run the following to "drop" the root privileges:

sudo -k

This will revoke the user's cached credentials. So the next time you try to run a command with sudo, you will have to enter your password.


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