
what's the canonical way to install nodejs on an Ubuntu desktop (21.x)?

cn flag

I understand that apt is NOT the regular way

I see 3 options:

  1. download and run an opaque script from the nodejs sites
  2. umake (
  3. asdf (

I'd like to take a look at the Tryton web client (named Sao) and nodejs is a requirement

How am I supposed to get that ?

karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [How do I install the latest version of node.js?]( (`sudo snap install node --classic --channel version/stable` where you replace `version` with a 1-digit or 2-digit version number)
uz flag
@karel Amazingly, this answer is still valid after 10 years.
cn flag
did snap exist 10 years ago ? Wow
jp flag

It's a matter of preference, but generally I'd use the Node Version Manager nvm because it facilitates side-by-side installations (and easy de-installations) of major Node versions.


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