
Why do `ls -1 filename` just lists the filename?

cx flag

When I run ls -1 filename, it just lists the filename, instead of permissions with filename. However, according to online resources, the output should also have permissions details of the file. I used stat and that worked.

hr flag
You're confusing `-1` (digit "one") with `-l` (letter "ell")
David avatar
cn flag
You need to be clear are the files on a windows 10 drive?
pLumo avatar
in flag
This is the behavior like stated in the documentation of `ls`. See `man ls` or more generally, check [How can I get help on terminal commands?](
svyslf avatar
cx flag
Ahhhh yeah i was confusing it with 1 instead of l. ahahahaha funny. Thank you all for your help!
cn flag

-1 is a parameter to ls command that tells the command to list only filenames, one file per line (by default ls with no parameter lists as many filenames in a line as will fit in line width). So your command does exactly what it should.

If you want to list permissions and other data about files, you should use -l (for long), not -1.

Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
It should be noted here that `ls -1` is really good for scripts, where you want to list all filenames only, do some filtering, and end up with a smaller list of names that can be read into an array etc.

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