
Zoom keeps changing its output audio volume

in flag

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, using the Zoom 5.5.4 client (but I experienced the problem with previous versions as well). More often than not (but weirdly enough not always), whenever I start or join a meeting, Zoom keeps changing its output audio volume. Most of the time, it is turned down to around 5-10% and I need to open my volume control to adjust it back before I can hear people.

In the Zoom settings I only see an option to prevent the input volume from being automatically adjusted, but that is not what I want...

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu 20? Ubuntu has used the *year* format for specialist *snap* only releases that are intended for server usage; so you're more likely using a *deb* based desktop system such as Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (ie. *deb* based systems, both server & desktop are *year.month* in format; *year* being reserved for the specialist *snap* only products). 20 != 20.04
buddemat avatar
in flag
Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware. I edited it to 20.04.
in flag

Apparently, unchecking the option "Automatically adjust microphone volume" does solve the problem, even though it's not the microphone volume that is the culprit.

enter image description here

At least for me, that is how I got rid of the problem.


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