
Creating a symlink for docker-volumes to another directory

cn flag

For reasons I need to symlink /var/lib/docker/volumes into /net/datadisc/disc1/docker_volumes, i.e. ever volume that docker creates inside /var/lib/docker/volumes would instead be created in /net/datadisc/disc1/docker_volumes

sudo ln -s /net/datadisc/disc1/docker_volumes /var/lib/docker/volumes doesn't do it.

Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
The permissions in `/var/lib/docker` are very restrictive, so you need to do this as root (or with sudo). Also, I assume the permissions of the target directory should match those of `/var/lib/docker/volumes` (`drwx-----x` on my system).
Grumpy ol' Bear avatar
cn flag
Nevermind all that shite. I just started WinSCP, and created a symlink that way. Fuck that terminal confusing shite. I got the permission right at least...
Brijesh Sondarva avatar
ve flag
You could use the "--volume" option while creating the docker container and specify the required directory path which you want to use for data storage. i.e. : docker run -it -v <host/path>:<container/path> -d image_name

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