
How do I remove sudo without removing ubuntu-minimal?

in flag

Basically I decided to use doas instead of sudo and I want to get rid of sudo because I have no use for it. However when i run 'apt remove sudo', it also wants to delete ubuntu-minumal. Is there a way of removing sudo without also removing ubuntu-minimal and/or somehow modifying ubuntu-minimal to NOT include sudo?

om flag

ubuntu-minimal is a metapackage that doesn't really contain any functionality it self; it only depends on other packages. Meta packages are used as a shortcut to select commonly used patterns to install.

You can see which packages ubuntu-minimal requires in the package search or by running apt-cache depends ubuntu-minimal.

So in short: no, you can't remove sudo without either providing a empty package that claims to provide sudo, or remove ubuntu-minimal. Removing ubuntu-minimal will not remove any packages apart from the metapackage.

To make an empty package that claims to provide sudo, you could look into equivs


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