
how to export VAriable from bash script, not calling the other one

co flag

I have inside my script = A=1, export A I made the = 755

I know if I run: . ./

then if from command line I will run echo $A it will return 1

so in that case I should have 2 files file1 with VARs, that can be run with . ./file1

then the file 2 with commands

how I can get the VALUEs of VARs, if I have the VARs and commands in 1 file ?

FedKad avatar
cn flag
Your question is not clear. Please [edit] and expand the last part of your question.
CatMan avatar
fr flag
Just the as on the command line, e.g. "B=$A" and the next line with "echo $B" gives the output when running ". ./". If that does not help you please rephrase your question giving the full text of the files and write what output you like to see

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