
How to disable window resize on clicking title bar?

ir flag

very often ( several times a day [ but not always ]) on partially occluded windows where only a portion of its top left is visible when I single mouse click on top title bar that window will somehow auto resize itself

Anyone know how to disable this behavior ?

I could be wrong however I do not see this happen when more of a given window is visible

stock Ubuntu 20.04

vanadium avatar
cn flag
I can't reproduce that.
us flag
Can you post a screenshot?
in flag

I know it's been a while, but for the record, check auto-maximize value:

gsettings get org.gnome.mutter auto-maximize

if the value is true, set to false:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter auto-maximize false
Scott Stensland avatar
ir flag
when I issue the `get` it shows true yet when I then issue the `set` to false then view results by again doing a `get` it still shows true ... ditto running the `set` as root
Eric Lussier avatar
in flag
i ran it as my normal user and it worked. I beleive this is at user level preferences.
Eric Lussier avatar
in flag
there are also those 2 settings to change when touching screen edges:

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