
I just installed Quixel and Nuke, how can I create an alias for them in Ubuntu?

cn flag

I just installed Quixel Bridge and Nuke. They are not found in the application list so I have no way to drag them to desktop favorite. Nor did they like Google Chrome that could be started in terminal by typing google-chrome. I could not figure out how to edit ~/.bashrc to create an alias.

I tried

alias quixel="/usr/local/Bridge.AppImage"

and I put the above line into the ~/.bashrc file, but it does not work.

How can I start those apps like google-chrome?

David avatar
cn flag
Did you try search your computer to find them?
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
How did you "installed Quixel Bridge and Nuke"? Are they both Appimages?

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