
Restore unencrypted partition into a LUKS encypted partition on 20.04

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I have an SSD with multiple partitions.

Device             Start       End   Sectors  Size Type
/dev/nvme0n1p1      2048    309247    307200  150M EFI System
/dev/nvme0n1p2    309248    571391    262144  128M Microsoft reserved
/dev/nvme0n1p3    571392 129912831 129341440 61,7G Microsoft basic data
/dev/nvme0n1p4 465311744 467339263   2027520  990M Windows recovery environment
/dev/nvme0n1p5 467339264 497324031  29984768 14,3G Windows recovery environment
/dev/nvme0n1p6 497326080 500117503   2791424  1,3G Windows recovery environment
/dev/nvme0n1p7 129912832 465311743 335398912  160G Linux filesystem

nvme0n1p7 is currently NOT encrypted. What I would like to do is to have this partition encrypted. So, my steps:

  1. Create an image of this partition (done with Disks) and store it on an external drive
  2. Boot from LiveCD
  3. Using Disks: format the partition as a LUKS encrypted, restore the image from the external drive. No errors.
  4. Reboot. At this point I'm stuck: I get into the grub> command line.

I actually expected to be prompt with the typical grub choice and then input the LUKS password.

So, my questions are:

  1. Is it possible to do what I have in mind, at all? So, instead of installing Ubuntu from scratch, just restore an existing image?
  2. If so, how do I get out of this situation? How should I configure Grub to let me pick the OS I want to start?

Thanks in advance!

AlexOnLinux avatar
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I can give you some hints, but I have no full solution for you. First: When using Disk-Encryption you need an EFI and an unencrypted BOOT partition. Second: Grub (initramfs) has to load the necessary modules to be able to decrypt your partition on boot (the default i suppose). Third: you need to have an /etc/crypttab file setup that will be hooked to initramfs. I would create a new partiton as boot. Copy the content from the actual boot folder to the boot partition. Than create an /etc/crypttab file with the apropriate content in it and try the `update-grub` command and cross fingers.

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