
Tar a file along with preserved file capabilities

ve flag

We are building a root filesystem of Ubuntu 20.04 with packages installed using debootstrap and finally tar it using:

tar -c --use-compress-program=pigz -f $ROOTFS --numeric-owner -C $TMPDIR .

Eventually, when we untar the root filesystem, the file capabilities are lost. For example, ping loses its cap_net_raw+ep capability and this is causing untoward behaviour in production.

I tried passing various tar parameters to preserve the file capabilities but failed to do so. Guidance on this would be of great help.

For very simplistic reproduction:

# cd /bin && getcap /bin/ping && rm -f blah.tar && tar --preserve-permissions --xattrs --xattrs-include=*.* -cf ~/blah.tar ping && cd -
/bin/ping = cap_net_raw+ep

# tar -xf blah.tar && getcap ./ping
muru avatar
us flag
You need to include xattrs when extracting too
Aravindhan Krishnan avatar
ve flag
Thanks, that seems to work. What would be minimal set of arguments needed to preserve file capabilities apart from the tar parameters used in: `tar -c --use-compress-program=pigz -f $ROOTFS --numeric-owner -C $TMPDIR .`

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