
Ubuntu live USB stuck on loading screen

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I have a Ryzen 5800u HP laptop without a graphics card. I made an Ubuntu 20.04 live USB. I get to the grub thing and then select Ubuntu. It then performs some kind of file integrity check, which passes without errors. Then nothing happens. I have been staring at a black screen with the Ubuntu logo, the HP logo and a spinning loading circle. For 5 min.

oliver petchull avatar
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Oh yeah it says failed to load
karel avatar
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Does this answer your question? [Why Doesn't a Bootable USB Boot](
oliver petchull avatar
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Thanks for the answer
in flag

I face the exact same problem every time whenever I do a fresh ubuntu install in my HP laptop.

This can be simply resolved by plugging your usb out for some seconds(1-3 seconds) during the ubuntu is loading with the hp logo and then push back into the laptop.

This way the ubuntu will start loading files. This works because due to some reason the boot files are not loaded while installation or creating a live ubuntu. So doing this in out process helps to fetch the file that was needed for the process. Enjoy!!


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