
Crontab not running files

mx flag

I've been repairing a problem in my crontab, it ran all the files without any problem but suddenly it stopped running, it shows in the syslog that the file was executed but I did a test php that built a txt and writing that something inside I put it in cron and it shows in the syslog executed but it didn't open the php file, I noticed this in all the other files that have it.


Oct  1 08:32:53 cpro45509 crontab[29419]: (www-data) LIST (www-data)
Oct  1 08:33:01 cpro45509 CRON[29432]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /home/kdl/site/lab/NewLeaflet/php/progmuc.php  1624001010 2 2040001 1 2)
Oct  1 08:33:01 cpro45509 CRON[29431]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)


28 08 *  *  *  /usr/bin/php /home/kdl/site/lab/NewLeaflet/php/progmuc.php 1624001010 1 2040001 1 2
33 08 *  *  *  /usr/bin/php /home/kdl/site/lab/NewLeaflet/php/progmuc.php  1624001010 2 2040001 1 2


  $fp = fopen("testeee.txt", "a");
    // Escreve "exemplo de escrita" no bloco1.txt
    $escreve = fwrite($fp, "Funcionou");
    // Fecha o arquivo
cn flag
Please remove the images and copy/paste the text into the question.
FireWallSP avatar
mx flag
Ready change made
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Your output clearly shows that your cronjob is generating an error. Edit your cron job to redirect that error message to a file so you can read it (Redirection example: `33 08 * * * cmd >> /some/log/file 2>&1`)

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