
dev/sda11 clean while starting ubuntu

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I was trying to install samba by following the answer given in the link. After that I'm facing this error

enter image description here

Edit : Using Ubuntu 20.04

guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no OS & release details, and mention "*after that i'm facing this error*" but have not included any error message.
hrithik mahesh avatar
us flag
@guiverc I've added image. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04
cn flag
1. that is NOT an error. It is a notice informing you that that partition has no errors (is "clean" and not "dirty") 2. you also get 3 extra lines underneath it. That means the message is benign and not the reason.
hrithik mahesh avatar
us flag
@Rinzwind how to fix this issue
cn flag
No idea. There is nothing to go on. General idea would be to boot from a live session and dig around /var/log/ to check
hrithik mahesh avatar
us flag
@Rinzwind Is there a way to fix this through recovery mode?

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