
How can I use Dropbox to back up arbitrary folders?

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Symlinks are no longer followed in dropbox, so this answer won't help: How can I make dropbox back up folders in my Home Folder like Music?

I have photos folder, I'm on Ubuntu, I want to back up my photos. I don't want to organize my entire system around the drop box folder. Further, my dropbox folder is on a different HD than my photos are.

What I'd like to do is tell dropbox that the photos folder should also be uploaded, and it's okay to have more than one folder being backed up.

How can I do this?

jtessier72 avatar
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Does it have to be backed up the moment you add a new photo, or could you do a cron job to backup? Maybe rclone?
Seph Reed avatar
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If rclone uses disk space, that won't work. My OS is on a much smaller hard drive than the data I'm trying to back up... but reading this it looks like back-ups go directly to the server. Can you confirm?
jtessier72 avatar
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With rclone you can push your photos to Dropbox, or any other remote service. It is up to you if you allow the dropbox desktop client to sync your photos back to you. You can exclude that using selective sync. Have a look at the link - the first part shows setup and pushing to a remote.
Seph Reed avatar
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Ah. So it'll be one way back ups, but no sync. Not exactly great for sharing a project between multiple computers... but better than nothing.
jtessier72 avatar
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You can do copy or sync in either direction with rclone. You mentioned backup, so I mentioned push.
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Annoying, indeed, where Dropbox, for an unknown reason, deliberately decided to break linux symlinks. You can still work around by using mount --bind instead. Far less convenient, because you need to be superuser to be able to do this.

The following example of a line in /etc/fstab would automatically mount --bind a folder Photos in user's home folder to a similarly named folder in the Dropbox folder during startup:

/home/user/Photos /home/user/Dropbox/Photos none bind,x-gvfs-hide 0 0

The x-gvfs-hide option prevents the mount from being shown in the left pane of your file manager

Seph Reed avatar
cn flag
This makes sense. Basically the same as symlink... but kind of better. I understood the issue with syncing up a file, then overwriting the symlink with the file on sync-down. Does this avoid that? It seems like it may.

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