
How to download ubuntu container image from Canonical Partner Images website

bg flag

I am new to Ubuntu/Linux.

I am shifting to Ubuntu because of development problems in Win10 environment.

I have installed docker.

I wanted to run Linux containers on Windows and visited the website:

There is no download button. How to download Images of Ubuntu for Linux containers ?

Help is requested.

Dr. Sai

Organic Marble avatar
us flag
Click on the folder labeled bionic and keep going through the folders until you find the image you want.
ve flag

Generally, on Windows OS you could not create a Linux container directly and on Linux OS same you could not create a windows based container on Linux. Because both systems are based on the different kernels, so there is some alternate way for creating the container on a different base kernel system, like you have to create VM for that base system first and then you have to create the containers based on Linux & Windows.


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