
Update UFW rules from a text file

cn flag

I have a list of ip's (almost 55K) that i want to deny from a text file. I would like a script to read from the text file and update the ufw status.

Is there anything like that?

At present I am doing this

while read line; do sudo ufw insert 1 deny from $line to any; done < filename.txt

This takes a hell long of a time. Would a script be faster?

pe flag
no ufw wont add rules faster. You would better use **iptables**, **ipset** and a blacklist
Sriram Rayadurg avatar
cn flag
Is there a script that i can use for that? Adding 55k ip's to iptables is a pain.
Wayne Vosberg avatar
bd flag
Are the IPs random or could you group them (i.e. for thru
Doug Smythies avatar
gn flag
As previously mentioned, use iptables and ipset. see [here](

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