
Bluetooth Headphone Only plays in Left Ear

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A pair of Bluetooth headphones I have started only been playing media out of the left ear on my Ubuntu laptop. I am currently running Ubuntu 21.04 and the issue appeared randomly after installing bluez-tools. CLI history. I believe the issue appeared after installing bluez-tools, but uninstalling broke Bluetooth on the laptop overall (timeline subject to memory). Luckily putting it back solved all issues but the left-side headphone issue.

This is only isolated to one pair of headphones. Others (which appear to use the same configuration: High Fidelity Playback (A2DP Sink)) work just fine. I have also paired the problematic headphones to another device, and the issue did not reproduce.

I have tried rebooting, changing most UI sound settings, forgetting the device and reconnecting. Is there a configuration file I can alter for these specific headphones?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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