
Disable eraser button for Wacom stylus

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I am trying to completely disable the eraser button for my Wacom tablet on my Lenovo C940. I am using Xournal++ for notetaking and it does not allow disabling this entirely (but rather allows you to set it to "not do anything" but it still modifies the drawing mode.

My output for

xsetwacom --list

is the following:

Wacom HID 51E2 Pen stylus           id: 10  type: STYLUS    
Wacom HID 51E2 Finger touch         id: 11  type: TOUCH     
Wacom HID 51E2 Pen eraser           id: 16  type: ERASER 

I tried the following command:

xsetwacom --set "Wacom HID 51E2 Pen eraser" button 1 0

however the eraser icon in Xournal still comes up, but I can't erase anything. It's like its gone into "erase mode" but the mapped callback for actually erasing isn't being called.

I have also tried turning "touch" and "gesture" off but to no success. I have also tried the same commands for the "Pen stylus" device. Lastly, I have tried remapping all buttons to "0" using

xinput --set-button-map

and also tried completely disabling the eraser using

xinput --disable 16

but xinput didn't seem to affect anything at all.

How can I simply stop my erase button from doing anything?


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