
ubuntu 21.04 goes into emergency mode because it cannot mount /boot

ng flag

The full history is:

Ubuntu did not boot, I suspect due to full hard disk I booted from usb mounted zfs hard disk and deleted some files

to mount the hard disk i had to set a mountpoint (couldn't get it to work otherwise), and after that worked i restored it

then I booted again regularly, but it went into emergency mode.

I typed journalctl -xb to look at the logs, and there is one red line which says that it could not mount /boot. Before that it says:

filesystem 'bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_' cannot be mounted, unable to open the dataset

(this is a windows dual boot system, in case it matters)

ng flag

managed to fix by

fdisk -l | grep boot output helped me identify which device is my boot

then i zfs mounted it as bpool

then exited emergency mode and it booted correctly

after restart - still works


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