
USB Unlock my Ubuntu device

id flag

So i have a question about whether this can be done and if it can be can someone suggest how.

  1. insert USB device into your computer at the login
  2. only then Ubuntu prompts you for a password

can someone please suggest how this can be done if at all posible.

jp flag
I am not using this, but I am of the understanding you can do something like this using a Yubikey.
Aakif Rehman avatar
id flag
i men t could i do this with any other USB Drive by making some changes
jp flag
While not exactly what you want, you could use a keyfile stored on a USB disk in order to decrypt your hard diks or SSD. Encrypting your storage will cause a prompt where you need to enter a password, but you can also provide a keyfile instead. Now, it's not novice friendly, but I didn't search deeply (I do use disk encryption, but not with a keyfile).
jp flag
Actually, what you want seems to be possible too:
Aakif Rehman avatar
id flag
Thanks @jawtheshark
Aakif Rehman avatar
id flag This is another useful resource

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