
WINXP with Ubuntu 20.04 dual boot problems

ch flag

upgraded my WINXP/Ubuntu computer to Ubuntu 20.04. Both WINXP and UBUNTU 20.04 are on separate hard drives. The grub display after installation of 20.04 showed both OSs but I could not get to WINXP from the grub display. Anyone know what I need to do to get WINXP to boot from the grub display. BTW, when I get to WINXP manually it runs fine. Also there is no trouble with running Ubuntu 20.04.



guiverc avatar
cn flag
I haven't needed to do anything for `grub` to recognize winXP for as long as I've been using Ubuntu (inc. up to *impish*) You mention two drives; if you're **not** making any BIOS config issues to change which boots I'd expect your xp to be recognized & dealt with via `update-grub` (I've had no issues with 1-3 drives)
ch flag
thanks. the problem is that I can't get to xp fom the grub display. Grub sees XP just fine.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
How do you get info XP manually? You've provided no details; but if it's via changing a setting (*as per my first comment*), then that's the needed detail that is required, as I've had no issues with XP from *maverick* (10.10) to *impish* (21.10) with my last QA test install being 9-Oct-2021 on a XP machine (an *impish* test).

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