
How do I configure the cron daemon flags?

cn flag

I'd like my Ubuntu 20.04 server to run crond with the -L15 flag. What's the right way to configure it to do so?

See man cron.

/etc/init.d/cron does not give me the impression I should mess with it.

raj avatar
cn flag
`man cron` does not mention the `-s` flag. What is it supposed to do?
brandones avatar
cn flag
Updated with link to documentation. I can't find that man documentation on my system though (e.g. `man` has no entry for `crond`) so I suspect I might be looking at the wrong thing.
raj avatar
cn flag
As the cron daemon (even in your documentation) is actually called `cron`, not `crond`, you should use `man cron`. No mention of `-s` flag there, as I already wrote. I'm afraid what you want is simply not possible.
cn flag
if the idea is to log to syslog use `| /usr/bin/logger -t TAG` after your command. TAG can be used as an identifier for that cron task
terdon avatar
cn flag
@raj just as a general note, while that's true on Ubuntu, other Linux flavors do have a man page for `crond` (you get it with `man crond` or `man 8 crond`), so maybe that's why the OP was expecting one.
brandones avatar
cn flag
I guess my actual question, then, is how to configure cron to always send all output for all jobs to syslog in Ubuntu. Not sure if I should edit this question or ask a new one.
brandones avatar
cn flag
I'll create a new question and edit this one only slightly.
brandones avatar
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