
How to fix docker container autocompletion

pt flag

I have installed docker on many machines in the past and auto-completion always had just worked out of the box. Strangely, in a new docker install on an Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa) virtual machine, when I press tab, nothing happens. I tried it on my WSL terminal, and if I type sudo docker start g and then tab, it autocompletes to sudo docker start gifted_hofstadter. Yet, both only have these two files in:

# ls /etc/bash_completion.d/
apport_completion  git-prompt

So I don't understand why I would have to add a /etc/bash_completion.d/docker file as an article suggests. How do I fix it with minimal changes? To be clear, regular bash autocompletion works fine, the issue is specific to docker. Thanks.

Update: Installed podman and the same autocomplete issue exists although I don't think it's related.

I copied this file to /etc/bash_completion.d/ and restarted the shell. Now docker commands autocomplete, e.g. docker sta [tab] expands to docker start. Also if I do docker start f it expands to docker start f36da5e5a9a8 i.e. the container ID.

However, it won't expand the container name, such as frosty_tu when I do docker start fro [tab]. While I appreciate the solution, this is another reason I don't want to shop around for third party scripts and prefer the out-of-the-box experience I have seen on new installs before.

David avatar
cn flag
There is no version of Ubuntu 20 LTS
Nagev avatar
pt flag
That's correct. Was writing from memory in a rush and thought that the approximate, i.e. major (YY) version, was enough. Updated with the full version, thanks.
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Completion scripts are located under `/usr/share/bash-completion/completions`. You should state how you installed Docker, there are at least 3 different options: 1) Snap, 2) Default APT, and 3) APT from Docker repos. I've installed Docker using method 3 (Docker repos), and my autocompletion works with container names, but not with container ID.
Nagev avatar
pt flag
Funny coincidence, I had actually just thought of comparing docker's snap vs the one from the default APT, i.e. 1) and 2) from your list, after running twice on a [docker cp]( snap bug. I see this issue on two servers with snap's docker. Not sure what my previous WSL (which had good docker autocompletion) had as I have a new one with Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS without docker yet. Will try 1) and 2) there and update accordingly. By the way, it is the container name autocompletion I care about.
Nagev avatar
pt flag
It seems that APT no longer has even an ancient version of docker and the [docker install documentation]( reminded me of why I went with the convenience of `snap`. And I forgot that *snap* isn't available on WSL. Anyway, I'll probably try switching at some point, but for now, I need my containers already created with snap, and not too keen on making a switch without being sure it will solve the issue. Updated the question to mention that I am using snap, thanks.

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