
Copy program form one pc to another for noob

cn flag

Welcome in new to quite linux i need to copy program form really old PC to a new. I tried copy entire folder to new PC with pendrive, but program wasn't starting.

Program is called magad and its not in any repository.

Sorry if this is trivial, im still new to linux.

Edit: Full name is MagAD-SQL its polish program, i manage to copy files and get threw some issues when trying to launch it, now im stuck when i try to run command to start it with


it shows

rxvt: can't load font "m12x27"

I already copped that fort to share/fonts folder and did clear and regenerate font cache with

$ fc-cache -f -v
us flag
What are the operating systems of your old and new computers? Please [edit]( to add these information.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Google found 0 (zero) mentions of a "magad" software. The closest it found was MAGDA – Mobile Agent based Grid Architecture
sudodus avatar
jp flag
In Ubuntu (and many other Linux distros), many programs are dynamically linked to library files, and these differ between Linux distros and also between versions of the same distro. So you cannot expect a program to run in another distro or version. There are exceptions, for example bash shellscripts, but those are simple programs with 'human readable code'. Maybe you can find a new version of your program, or the source code of it and compile it, so that it will work in your current Ubuntu.
cn flag
m12x27 is probably an alias. see `/usr/share/fonts/misc/fonts.alias` is it is there (and `/usr/share/fonts`, there could be more :P ).
cn flag
@Rinzwind Font is in folder misc but not in file fonts.alias and tried sudo update-fonts-alias misc still not this

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