
lsof shows that .xsession-errors' deleted files chews up all disk space

cn flag

I configured a cronjob that truncates the ~/.xsession-errors file because it was chewing up all disk space. This keeps the file smaller than 500K. The disk space is still being filled.

lsof +L1 | grep deleted shows many instances of xsession-errors deleted items that will fill all disk space. Only a reboot seems to clear this.

What could be the cause?

cn flag

Thanks for the advice. I found what was writing to the .xsession-errors file. kpatient ver. 19 has a bug that fills up the disk. Ver 21 fixes that.

it flag

Even though you have reset the filesystem's idea of the file size, the program that has ~/.xsession-errors open has no way of knowing this. It's against the Way of Filesystem to actually delete a file (and free the space) while any process has it open. This lets the logging program simply "write the next block", rather than "open the file;position to End. Read partially filled block;Write the data;Close the file" EVERY time a line of information is logged

Read the man page for the program, some programs will reset log files on receipt of a signal, others have to be killed and restarted.

How are you starting and stopping your X server? It looks you're leaving X processes lying around, with log files open. Look at ps -ef.

You can use fuser to send signals to reluctant processes.

Read man fuser pkill kill X ps;man -a signal


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