
Ubuntu single sign-on account stuck on "Connecting"

cf flag

I've just installed Ubuntu 20.04. When I go to Settings → Online AccountsUbuntu Single Sign-On and input the correct credentials, it just hangs on Connecting... and doesn't do anything. However, if I enter incorrect details, it almost immediately tells me that the credentials are incorrect.

Here is a screenshot of Ubuntu SSO stuck on Connecting...:

Screenshot of Ubuntu SSO stuck on "Connecting..."

cocomac avatar
cn flag
Does this answer your question? [Ubuntu Single Sign-On Account stuck on "Connecting..."](
илья авраменко avatar
cf flag
Thanks to that topic I've enabled livepatch. But I still can't add an 'Ubuntu Single Sing-On'. And I saw that topic before I created this one. Can you tell me: do I need this authentication for anything else?
nc flag

Apologies for the trouble. We traced this issue to a secondary service the Online Account panel talks to, in the process of setting up the Ubuntu SSO account (it's not directly SSO which is why it took us a little while to pinpoint the problem). It'll be fixed in the next 30 minutes.


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