
Driver installation Asus MB16ACE not working

in flag

I am on ubuntu 20.04 and installing the driver of my asus zenscreen mb16ace. I installed the .run file but the screen still doesn't work. I try to reboot still nothing, I ran **systemctl start dlm.service** but get **Failed to start dlm.service: Unit dlm.service not found.**. Anyone got the same problem and solved it? On the Asus screen I still the DT mode install lates driver.

> :~/Documents/drivers/ASUS_MB_Series_driver_for_Ubuntu_5.3.1-2$ sudo ./
Verifying archive integrity...  100%   All good.
Uncompressing DisplayLink Linux Driver  100%  
DisplayLink Linux Software install script called: 
Distribution discovered: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Detected running Xorg session and connected docking station
Please disconnect the dock before continuing
Installation terminated.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
A newer version is available here: . And please pay attention to the warning messages and act accordingly.

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