
How do I make g++ 10 my default c++ compiler

cn flag

I am using 20.04 and I have g++ 10 installed, but when I use g++ --version it says 9.3. Also, I can't use any c++ 20 in my code in either IDE I use. Please let me know how I make g++ 10 the default. Thanks

galexite avatar
pk flag
Did you know you can set the `CXX` environment variable, and most build systems will inherit that configuration? If you're using a build system generator, like CMake, you'll need to export this in your environment when you run configuration.
galexite avatar
pk flag
What IDE do you use?
cn flag
I use both CLion and Code::Blocks
cn flag
I think i just need to know how to set the CXX environment variable then.
cn flag
Well, I solved the problem in a roundabout way, I upgraded to 21.04 and it set my default g++ to 10

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