
How to manage disk 'quota' in Ubuntu 21.04 as have installed it as '/' in one SSD and '/home' in another SSD?

cn flag

Snap of nano /etc/fstab:

Snap of nano /etc/fstab

Snap of sudo lsblk:

Snap of sudo lsblk

As I have trouble in have successfully installed quota in machine but not working for /home.

Please share the solution for the issue. Thanks for your kind support.

Mishal Rana avatar
cn flag
its 'Quotas' not 'quota' as above question.
David avatar
cn flag
If there is a mistake or new info for the question do not make a comment fix the mistake or add the info to the question.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Have you read `man -k quota`? Don't post pictures of text. Copy and Paste, use AskUbuntu's formatting tools. Disk quotas are per filesystem, have you set up quotas for `/home`? Don't call your pictures "snaps", even if it's colloquial - `snap` is a Ubuntu packaging method, and confusion could happen
muru avatar
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