
Nvidia Titan with Ubuntu 20.04

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Im trying to install a Titan RTX in Ubuntu 20.04 and having some issues, which I think is driver related First hardware: MSI z590 motherboard i7 -11xxxx CPU

Currently, I am only getting any video from the onboard video off of the motherboard. After I try to install both the nvidia-driver-470 and -460 from the GUI driver loader, they both fail. After reboot, ubuntu doesnt load and I have to start from scratch again. Any suggestions welcome.

Update: Just tried to install the nvidia driver from the website and same deal. After reboot, the screen shows one line

/dev/nvme0n1p2: clean, xxxxx/yyyyyyy files, aaaaaa/bbbbbbbb blocks

and secure boot is disabled in the bios

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Disable Secure Boot.

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