
cat : Do not read stdin if no input file is given on the command line

ph flag

I have a script that concatenates files with cat. It contains roughly the following line that hangs the script in reading the standard input if the directory contains no files:

cat /path/to/dir/* > concat.txt

Is there a way to either make cat not read anything from standard input and produce an empty output if no files exist at /path/to/dir/, or use another command to achieve the same?

raj avatar
cn flag
In your case, if no files exist at `/path/to/dir/*`, `cat` will display an error message and not read anything from stdin. Have you actually tried it? `cat` reads from stdin only if there is **no parameter present**, not if there **is** a parameter that specifies a non-existent file.
us flag

It seems you have nullglob enabled so that /path/to/dir/* expands to nothing if no files are present in /path/to/dir/. You could, of course, disable nullglob (shopt -u nullglob) and get the default behaviour, where /path/to/dir/* remains as-is if nothing matches and cat will complain about the non-existent file:

$ cat /path/to/dir/*
cat: '/path/to/dir/*': No such file or directory

You could also just tack on a /dev/null at the end instead:

$ shopt -s nullglob; cat /path/to/dir/* /dev/null
$ echo $?

cat will get an immediate EOF from /dev/null, so it will write nothing and quit.

Serge Rogatch avatar
ph flag
Thanks, `/dev/null` idea is especially attracting.

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