
Disable log out when turning off the screen

gh flag

I'm using Ubuntu 21.04 with Fluxbox as my Window Manager. My screen is connected via DisplayPort.

The screen has multiple input ports and I often switch between different connected devices or sometimes turn it off.

Whenever my Ubuntu machine is disconnected from the screen - either by switching to a differen source or turning it off - my graphical session is terminated and I'm logged out.

This is very annoying and I want do disable this behaviour.

  • I've tried adding xset s off -dpms to my .fluxbox/startup config but it doesn't seem to help.
  • Also I've tried using gnome-tweaks to disable energy saving mode when closing the lid.

Q: How can I stop Ubuntu from logging me out when disconnecting my monitor?

Note: I'm pretty sure this started only happening after upgrading to 21.04.

galexite avatar
pk flag
Perhaps fluxbox/Xorg is crashing, and you are being returned to the login screen? Are there any files in `/var/crash`?

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