
How to get battery warning beeping sounds back in 20.04?

in flag

I recently upgrade to ubuntu 20.04. Now I don't hear an internal beeb sound from the computer when it's about to run out of battery, which it suddenly just shuts down(first priority). I would very much like to be warned a at least a few minutes before so I get a chance to find a charger. Its important that the warning can be heard even if I have headphones plugged and not wearing them. so I get a chance to react if I'm not at the computer. It also used to beeb 2 times if the charge fell out or was plugged in. how do I change this back? much help would be appreciated. I cant find an answer other places thank :)

us flag
What was your previous Ubuntu version/flavor where this feature was available?
in flag
I think it was 18.04

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