
How to install DNS over TLS profile in Ubuntu 20.04?

ae flag

I have been using Ahadns for quite some time now and on Android I set my private DNS to simply and it works. Can anyone guide me on how to apply this DNS on my Ubuntu 20.04 installation? I am quite new to these stuff and would like to simply use this dns as a common user for enjoying its ad blocking and good ping.

cn flag

Open up the /etc/network/interfaces file (e.g., sudoedit /etc/network/interfaces). There should be a line at the end that says dns-nameservers X.X.X.X. Replace X.X.X.X with the IP address of your DNS server (to find that, run dig, and in the ANSWER SECTION, there will be an IP address).

So, if the IP address for your chosen DNS server is, you would modify the dns-nameservers line to say dns-nameservers Of course, substitute the correct IP address.

Reboot your computer, and it should work.


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