
Ubuntu no response from keyboard+mouse

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I recently installed nvidia driver 470 from additional drivers provided in the update software menu on my linux ubuntu 18.04 lts. It was working fine but I needed later to work with carla (self driving car simulator) which requires vulkan compatible driver, so I installed one (I don't remember the link) but when I reboot my laptop it get stucked in the splash screen (ubuntu with the dots underneath but they were showing no progress). So I uninstalled vulkan driver and used back nouveau driver. Linux did no longer stuck in the splash screen but when it arrives to the login screen it becomes irresppnsive to my keyboard and mouse inputs.

danix avatar
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No I can't select my account nor enter my password since mouse and keyboard are not responding
danix avatar
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Your first option worked for me thanks
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Using a live usb to copy data on external hard drive, then reinstalling the os was able to fix the issue. Fortunately I didnt have large amount of data that I needed to recover. So, this method worked.


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