there are many "howto" of how to change mariadb to mysql in xampp (HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, etc, etc.), but they are all for windows OS
Anyone know how to do it, for Ubuntu 20.04, by bash command line? (preferably to mysql 5.7)
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./ --mode unattended --launchapps 0
sudo /opt/lampp/
tar -xzf mysql-5.7.35-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo mv -f mysql-5.7.35-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/* /opt/lampp/mysql
# and after that?

workaround to downgrade:
There is no version of Xampp with MySQL 5.7. According to Apache Friends, since XAMPP 5.5.30 and 5.6.14, XAMPP ships MariaDB instead of MySQL (According to RELEASE NOTES, last Xampp with MySQL was v5.6.12-0 -with MySQL v5.6.25-; then jumped to Xampp v5.6.14 -with MariaDB v10.0.17-)
[2015-10-19] XAMPP for Linux 64bit 5.6.14
This version of XAMPP includes:
- Updated Apache to 2.4.17
- Updated PHP to 5.6.14
- Added MariaDB 10.0.17
- Updated phpMyAdmin
[2015-08-27] XAMPP for Linux 64bit 5.6.12-0
This version of XAMPP includes:
- Updated Apache to 2.4.12
- Updated PHP to 5.6.11
- Updated MySQL to 5.6.25
- Updated phpMyAdmin 4.4.12
- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1p
- Phanebook issue with SQLite
- Fix charset admin pages
- Added OS X HOW-TO guides
- Enabled SSL support for PostgreSQL PHP extension
- Added PHP XMLRPC extension
- Added PHP MSSQL extension
- Included new dashboard
So i found a package called bitnami lamp, and in previous versions it has one with mysql 5.7 and can downgrade

but still, I would like to know the answer to my question, if such a thing can be done in linux