
Running Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX210 adapter under Ubuntu 18.04

ca flag

I want to get a Intel® Wi-Fi 6 AX210 adapter running under ubuntu 18.04. This intel page says that its only supported after kernel version 5.10 but like I understood from here, Ubuntu 18.04 is shipped with kernel 5.4 and I could not manage to get a newer kernel version installed.

Is it possible to install kernel 5.10+ on ubuntu 18.04 or is there any other possibility to get the AX210 adapter running?

ca flag

I could not find a solution for this but I replaced the WiFi-adapter with a Intel-AX201, which is obviously supported, and it works.

cn flag
I don't think this is the kind of answer we look for here.
cn flag

On my 18.04.6, I upgraded the kernel to 5.13.19 and copied the driver from Intel website to /lib/firmware. It worked like a charm after that.

For upgrade I followed the instructions here and used mainline to install the specific kernel version:

How to update kernel to specific version

Intel driver downloaded from here (unzip and copy iwlwifi*.ucode file to /lib/firmware):

ru flag

I found the solution. Basically, it is here However, I cannot compile the git repo. Intead, I use the intel repo, see below.

First, install some necessary package

sudo apt install flex bison

clone the backport repo, compile and install it:

git clone
cd backport-iwlwifi
sudo make defconfig-iwlwifi-public
sudo make
sudo make install

Third, download the driver, or you can download your driver from Intel website.

git clone git://
cd linux-firmware/
sudo cp iwlwifi-* /lib/firmware/

Reboot the machine and it works for me.

Kyuhyong You avatar
us flag
It works for me running ubuntu 18.04 on ASUS ROG strix 15 (2022)
ru flag

There is no way to get the AX210 supported on 18.04 unless the Kernel team backports a 5.10+ kernel to that release, which is not likely given that it has not been backported already. The closest thing to work with would be upgrading to 20.04 and using the HWE stack there that includes the 5.10.x kernels.


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