
Windows / Ubuntu dual boot, PC dead

ls flag

i have encountered this issue for the second time now. I have this problem when i have a Windows / Ubuntu dual boot system.

When i enter Ubuntu, there are 2 options to turn off the PC. One is power off, which always works and the other one is suspend. When you do suspend and you haven't entered your password yet, on user screen, very rarely, you will boot up your PC with a black screen. Once you have a black screen, there is only the HP omen logo LED light showing and the physical power off button doesn't work, so you have to unplug the PC. Here is where it goes wrong. I can't boot up my PC anymore and it's dead, i plugged it in and out several times and it doesn't make a difference.


Requirements: HP OMEN GT11-0370nd

Very easy to reproduce this error:

  1. Install Windows / Ubuntu 20 dual boot
  2. Get on user screen, click on suspend
  3. PC closes, click / hold on physical power button to start again
  4. Black screen (HP omen LED light is only showing)
  5. Physical power button doesn't work, only option is to physically unplug.
  6. PC is dead

What are the solutions to this? I would like to still use Ubuntu on PC but everytime i make this mistake, i don't want to repair it.

hu flag
Don't how you can use that PC if it is dead.
l33t avatar
ls flag
Obviously need to repair the PC (again), i just want to avoid this problem from happening again and know the cause.
AlexOnLinux avatar
ng flag
i never had this problem. I am really sorry for you that i cant help. I am only interested to know what you mean by "dead" and "repair". What has to be done for "repair"? Some kind of booting should be happening still. So first the BIOS boots up and than tries to load the OS which failes (perhaps) or it loads the OS but the OS itself fails to load the graphics / desktop?
l33t avatar
ls flag
dead means like no led lights, no fan sound, nothing. Repair, i'm referring to sending to repair service, for hp omen (or where i bought it from). It really sucks yeah.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Nothing software-based is going to cause the problem you are describing. Maybe you are shorting the device by unplugging it? Is the electricity unstable? If this keeps happening and you are having to take the device in for physical/hardware repairs, you should ask *them*, not us. They will tell you what parts they need to replace. Software (including the OS) would not damage your PC permanently.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu has no way to affect the functioning of the power button. Ubuntu, if running, merely learns (from BIOS) that the power button was pressed.
l33t avatar
ls flag
Ok, got it, thanks for the info!

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