
Live Server in VS Code Ubuntu does not automatically open the browser tab. Need Help

ng flag

I am using VS Code in Linux. The OS Details are given below

VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)"

Here's a brief description of what the issue is -

  • I installed the Live Server Extension developed by Ritwick Dey. It's a popular VS Code Extension. I tried to use it with a simple index.html file.

  • It started localhost with the default port 5050.

  • Now the problem is that I need to manually open a browser and type localhost:5050/index.html every time to actually view the output of the file.

  • Once I do this, Live Server starts implementing the changes as I code them in the index.html file.

  • So while Live Server does work, it does not work exactly like it is supposed to since I have to manually open the specific URL every time.

  • For VS Code in Windows, LiveServer opens Chrome automatically as soon as I turn it on, and then it keeps updating the output accordingly as more stuff is coded into the file in VS Code I'm using Chrome as my default Browser.

I have also edited the LiveServer Settings JSON file in VS Code and added these extra settings at the bottom -

"liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser": "chrome"


"liveServer.settings.useLocalIp": true

Note -

I have also downloaded Microsoft Edge Beta version for Linux, and I use it as my main browser, but it is not the default browser

in flag
This is a VS Code issue from the sounds of it. Have you [submitted a bug report]( If this doesn’t work for you, there’s a chance it doesn’t work for others as well
garykapoor7 avatar
ng flag
@guiverc what else should i include to make it clear? I have put a brief description of how the issue is produced. I have also explained that it works just fine in Windows. What exactly it is that you dont understand? The english and the order in which i have described seems just fine because one more user (matigo) was able to understand the problem.
garykapoor7 avatar
ng flag
@matigo I dont think this is an issue with VS Code since it works fine on WIndows. But i'll still try to submit a bug report. Given how popular linux is among developers, and the fact that this extension has around 15 million downloads, I am kinda surprised this issue still persists. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion!
cn flag

I think this is too late but same happened to me in Arcolinux. Just had to write as the launcher in settings.json file:

"liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser": "google-chrome-stable"

I left this here just in case this helps anybody else.


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