
How to read line by line and match text with next line?

cn flag

read the files data line by line and match the line with the next line, if it matches then save that line in the uniqe.txt file.

bac0n avatar
cn flag
sounds like `uniq -d input.txt output.txt` (only print duplicate lines, one for each group)
pasman pasmański avatar
mx flag
What is your Ubuntu version/release ?
bac0n avatar
cn flag
so if you were to have `Abcde x 3`, should result in two `Abcde` in unique.txt?
cn flag

You can accomplish this with a simple for-loop


mapfile -t < text.txt
for ((a=0,b=1; $b<${#MAPFILE[@]}; a++,b++)); do
     [[ ${MAPFILE[$a]} = ${MAPFILE[$b]} ]] && echo ${MAPFILE[$a]}
done > unique.txt
cn flag

Not sure if "successive duplicate lines" is a key issue for you. If not then you simply need the Linux command uniq to eliminate duplicate lines in the file with:

uniq -u inputfile.txt > uniqe.txt

If, however, you are only interested in eliminating successive duplicates you can use awk:

awk 'NR == 1 {a=$0; print}  a!=$0 {a=$0; print}' inputfile > uniqe.txt

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