
I have changed default to windows and now I can't open linux

us flag

I had problems with grub(arrow keys are not working)and I had to open windows so I changed the default boot to windows. Now my pc directly opens to windows and I can't open linux

David avatar
cn flag
So go into the bios and choose Ubuntu.
in flag
While this is an unfortunate situation there simply isn’t enough information here to offer actionable assistance. Could you [edit] your question to include: (0) the version of Ubuntu you’re running (1) the steps you followed to set Windows as the default OS. With this information it might be possible for someone to offer some assistance
cn flag
This is not an Ubuntu problem. It is a Windows and/or hardware (ie. BIOS) problem. How to switch OS in windows or how to get into BIOS does not depend on Ubuntu :)
oldfred avatar
cn flag
Need to know if UEFI or BIOS. If UEFI, you should always be able to boot all installs from UEFI boot menu. But if BIOS, you have to install boot loader to MBR, for whatever operating system you are using. And Windows does not boot Ubuntu without major third party changes.

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